Values in Work, General Life, As Well As Family Life
The environment one is born into and grows in plays a vital role in creating the values he or she carries throughout life. An individual's values, both inherited and learned, serve as the beliefs that motivate all behaviors and thus the qualities that compile their entire character. Through early interactions with family, friends, teachers, religious institutions, and society one is pre-disposed to adopt a certain set of principles, regardless if they are good or bad. If an individual was not shown positive values during their upbringing, they may navigate life with morals that do not serve positive growth. Fortunately, the negative values one holds can be assessed and transformed at any age if there is a desire to make the change. However, changing or developing new morals is no easy feat, for it is similar to changing habits you have held for a lifetime. Even though it may seem complicated, all people should continuously evaluate the morals they live by, ensuring they align with their highest version of self. Personal values are the law of human behavior, and it is imperative that they promote actions and behaviors of ethical stature. Ethical decision-making often involves weighing values against each other and choosing which values we allow to guide our behavior. Morals of high ethical nature ground our actions and decisions in reality, guide us towards a purpose greater than ourselves, and take us to our destiny. Great leaders hold strong values and sacrifice almost anything to live by them; thus, they create sizeable success for themselves. By assessing the why behind the motivations of others, you are given clarity about your actions, motives, and behaviors. Assess the values of those whom you are inspired by and admire most in this life. Take an objective look at the values you live by, how they affect your behavior, and if they are helping you become the person you truly want to be.