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Spirituality and Religion

Everyone pursues his or her beliefs and faith in their own way. Illusion and Confusion always live in the mind “Am I Religious or Am I Spiritual”.

All religions generally agree that there is only one God. The goals of all world religions are the same: the well-being of humanity and the ascent to a higher plane where the realization of unity amid diversity occurs.
Humankind has always been in awe at the vastness of Nature and its magnificent phenomena or forces. Religion paved the path to support and channel the inborn desire to transcend oneself as the spiritual side of humanity began to emerge.

Engaging with what is to be found on the human journey, in a free and personal manner, is the essence of spirituality.

In comparing both practices, we find:

Religion is :
• connecting to the Divine through someone else’s experience.
• Works on Logic that is Mind.
• tells you the truth.
• if we don’t obey certain rules there is punishment that awaits us which relies on our belief.
• is a bridge to the spirituality, needs spirituality.

Spirituality is :
• Connecting to the Divine through your own personal experience.
• Works on Ethics that is Soul.
• you discover the truth through process of personal transformation and exploration
• applies Karma - take full responsibility of your action. It is linked to the Law of Attraction—you get what you give.
• lies beyond religion, does not need religion.

However, Religion and Spirituality share some common attributes like:
• Belief in a higher power
• The desire to be in touch with the divine
• Routine Practices and Procedures
• Respect for the Divine

In Sanskrit, Spirituality is known as Adhyātma meaning pertaining to the topic of the Soul.

Understanding the nature of the Soul and returning to identifying with and experiencing the Soul as one's real essence are thus central to the concept of spirituality. The vast science of spirituality teaches us how to experience bliss.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

There is no universally accepted response to the question of which is better for an individual: religion or spirituality. You must have both spiritual and religious life.

It is possible to be "spiritual" without necessarily belonging to a religion, despite the fact that all religions highlight spirituality as an essential component of faith.

We all need blessings of Nature as well as the Bliss of God and Divinity Power.

“Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our Soul.No one is born with religion. Everyone is born with Spirituality”.

Prayer possesses great power in both the spiritual and religious domains; which in turn showers blessings and divinity.

Spirituality and Religion
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