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Impact on Mind, Body and Soul -Fasting, Sound and Silence

In the hustle and bustle of today’s modern life, the essential interconnection between mind, body and soul may be overlooked.

The mind is our centre of power, the body is our foundation, and the soul is our deepest, most inward reflections.

The necessity for a balanced approach to maintaining and enhancing our overall well-being is emphasized by the continuous connection between the mind, body, and soul.

When we are compelled to adhere to a timetable, we are not always honest with ourselves. We need to take responsibility for our habits and behaviours. They are more important to our development.

Success only comes if you follow some principles to enhance Mind, Body and Soul through spiritual practices which include – Fasting, Sound and Silence.


Conscious detachment from eating for a defined period of time to enlighten our inner being, Fasting is a good way to keep our bodies and minds clear of the toxins that are present in our daily life. It helps the body fight against disorders linked to digestion and revitalizes the mind and body.

A Vedic fast is a process in which we try to maintain our mind and body in a state of Sattva for 24 hours.
Fasting is a spiritual act with the aim to acquire divine grace and is one of the multiple divine therapies as per Ayurveda.

Your spiritual wellness often requires a longer view. Spiritual fasting is a way to open yourself up for introspection and can produce a number of benefits for your body, mind, and soul such as Spiritual clarity, Cleansing of your Soul, Renewed Faith, More Energy and Awareness of the world around you and Transcendent Empowerment.


In spirituality, there is a secret, that is the Sound.

In essence, sound is vibration and vibration is movement in a regular, repetitive, rhythmic pattern. All matter, energy, and awareness are inherently vibrational.

Sound and Vibration enter the body naturally.

The ancient yogis held that by chanting mantras, you could change your molecular structure and become one with the cosmic energy. During your postural yoga practice, using mantras can help open up energetic channels in your body that lead to a deeper connection with the divine.

The sound heals on a physical level so deeply that it touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes.

The power of sound comes from its ability to interact with our subconscious directly, bypassing the reasoning intellect.

When we chant or listen to mantras, these vibrations penetrate every cell of our body, influencing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and promotes inner healing.

We can embrace the power of mantras and experience their profound influence on our mind, body, and soul by harnessing the vibrations of sacred sounds.

Sacred Bell (Ghanta, Gong) and Conch Shell (Shankh) produce long strains of the sound OM that displaces bad energy and microbes, creating positive energy.


Try to live in a few hours of silence and that means going deep within and no connection with the outside world.

Silence is a rare Gift. Long stretches of silence can be difficult for our minds to endure.

The interior silence is the silence of the ego. The mind vibrates in silence at the union of your unlimited self.

The fleeting moments we have without sound are precious. It helps us think clearly and creatively, de-stress, and re-centre. And when we are in meditation, silence provides a space for us not to think at all, but simply to be with our essential self.

Silence as a practice brings in the opening of the mind, intellect and soul, leading to our union with God.

Creating a life that feels enriching and gratifying on all levels is the very essence of taking care of your body, mind and soul. As you take steps to nurture these aspects, your life becomes more balanced and in harmony.

Impact on Mind, Body and Soul -Fasting, Sound and Silence
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